Thursday, 26 May 2011

Day 5

Well at Day 5 I decided that it was time to start a blog. It is time to be properly accountable for everything that I am doing on this plan!

I have been very excited about the Michelle Bridges Plan! I love to exercise, my main problem is the eating plan.  The first three days went great I stuck to the 1200 calories or less. And I even lost 800 grams from when I first started.

Then, I went to my parents house for a roast dinner. Had roast pork and vegies. I wasn't ready for this. Although I ate less than I normally would, I did not count my calories. I felt very disappointed. A good lesson though. I have to be prepared for everything in the future.

Today hasn't been great either, limited access to food. Only premade rice porridge with honey that I have been eating all day. Feeling a bit sick now actually.  Have also eaten dates and an apple today.

I have started this blog to make myself more accountable to this process! I didn't start this challenge to remain the same, and it is a good lesson to have learned by day 5. I will spend the rest of the week attempting to make up for these downfalls.

In order to remain true to myself, and this process, in the future I will be writing down everything that I eat on this blog! I will be accountable for every calorie! :)  I will also be posting my stats in my next post. As well as all the exercise that I do each day!

I have committed to the exercise part, the only thing that I have not completed this week is all the ab work. I plan to catch up on that on the weekend.

I commit to this process! xox

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