Sunday, 29 May 2011

Day 8

  • Exercise
    • 7.25km run = 425 calories
    • 25 mins bike = 200 calories
    • 45 min step class = 400 calories
    • Total = 1025 calories
  • Food
    • Breakfast
      • 40 grams oats = 150 calories
      • 2 teaspoons rapadura sugar = 30 calories
      • 30 grams blueberries = 18 calories
      • 1 organic aldi date = 30 calories
      • Tea - white with honey = 45 cals
    • Lunch
      • Rice cakes with riccota and salad = 250 cals
    • Snack
      • Tea - white with stevia = 45 cals
      • 2 Majool dates = 140 cals
      • Apple = 70 cals
    • Dinner
      • Chicken salad with sundried tomato, carrot, olives and vinegar = 300 cal
      • Total = 1078 calories
Great day, super pumped with the program! Did heaps of exercise today and loooved it! Looking forward to getting into the weights tomorrow! Feel like I have my head in the game! :)


Nici said...

Hey Cribnal!

Sounds like you had a great start to the day! You must be super fit...over 7km's with 400 or so cal's burnt. impressive!
How was the rest of your day eating wise? How many calories for today?

Cribnal said...

Hey Nici,

Day was great! Lots of exercise! And pretty good on the food only 1078 calories! Yay, no going overboard when I count everything as I go! Looking forward to reading your posting for the day! :)

Nici said...

Wow!! You did so much exercise!!! Congrats! and your eating was amazing. well done!!
Very impressive. Keep it up!!! Youll be at your goal in no time...consistency is key! Looks like we've both got our head in the to keep it like this every day!
Hope youre having a great Tuesday!