Did my weigh in yesterday and remained the same this week. Yesterday had a funeral, only had a couple of naughty treats at the wake. Still within calorie limits. 650 calories burned at the gym.
Today, eating has been within its limits:
B: banana, strawberries, apple
L: porridge, bluberries, honey
Snack: 2 health cookies and cup of tea
D: omelette
Snack: cup of tea, health orb ball
Training: 800 calories burned. Cardio for 70 mins, and a pump class :)
My main issue again is my cravings for sweets after dinner. I just have to bite the bullet. My new plan is to have a cup of tea after dinner, then brush my teeth and that is it for the night. It is the first of July tomorrow, and there are only a few weeks of the process left. I think it is time to give it a good try. I am consistently sabotaging my efforts in the evenings. Time to make this a new habit! I will attempt to snack less, and every single piece of food I eat will be monitored on this blog, and assessed as to whether it is healthful and necessary.
You sound like youre doing wonderfully!! Dont beat yourself up to much....but I know how you feel, I feel the same...really want to give it a red-hot go for the next 6 weeks and see what Im capable of.
Ill be reading your blog every day to see how youre going with your calories and exercise. Itd be great if you could do that same! Lets get on each others case and make each other accountable. We can do this, and we deserve to feel fantastic about our bodies and our lifestyle choices. You are worth it!!! We could even start a daily email or something, if you feel that would help. Any ideas you have Im totally up for it!!
Hope today is going well.
Thank you. I don't feel like I am doing wonderfully. As you said I would love to commit to this 100% for the last few weeks, just to see what I am capable of. And to feel as though I can continue a healthy journey after these 6 weeks.
I think daily emails is a great idea. Maybe facebook messages? Lets make a commitment to each other, that we are doing this for each other and we are not going to let each other down :) This may be one of the only ways that I will actually do this. I definitely want to be accountable for sure. Maybe we should rehash our goals for the next 6 weeks to each other and on the blog. What we expect of ourselves each week. And then give it our 100%.
My exercise is right on, my eating is not. I want my cravings for sweet food after dinner to stop, I eat and I am not even hungry, but I do have cravings. I plan on having a cup of tea and then brushing my teeth, and that is it. Feel the cravings and not eat anyway. I also want to stop random snack eating when I am not hungry. E.g. Since lunch I have eaten about 10 cashews and some dried apricots, and a pear. Not overboard, but unnecessary calories. I believe this comes down to planning. Have each meal ready each day, and not eat any snacks unless hungry. But also have healthy snacks ready. I have to learn new habits!
I am a bit scared about the next few days. I have dinner out with friends three times in the next five days..... eeeakkk...... Two of them I have decided I will attempt to order a meat salad or fish and salad. The other dinner is at my place and I have already organised a healthy dinner of rice paper rolls, and your lovely brownie for dessert.
Also, I made those brownies for dessert at my mum’s birthday dinner, they were a hit! Everyone loooved them :) Thanks for the recipe!
Btw, I have been checking your blog, and you haven’t been writing much?! Just kidding, I have been avoiding it a bit too. But I think that you are right on with the daily emails. Lets be 100% accountable to each other starting today!! :)
hehe...I was just thinking I hadnt written for a while. How are you going? how is the snacking after dinner going?
I think daily emails are a great idea. Lets start afresh, restate our goals and get moving and committed in these last 6 weeks!! I know how you feel..its hard to be consistent, but I know we can do it...and the more we do it, the easier it will get!!
Im going to blog right now! hehe. And Ill write to you on facebook. Hope youre having a nice morning!
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