Sunday, 10 July 2011

Breaking the SUGAR HABIT!

Yes I have had a bit of a blow out (admittedly it was not nearly as bad as it has been in the past), irrespective, I am frustrated with being addicted to sweet food after meals. This is a habit that is well formed and is ingrained in my lifestyle.  I don’t expect this to be particularly easy, but I think that it is time to overcome this addiction.
A few years ago it was chocolate and crap food that had a hold over me. So I swapped it, and moved on to natural healthy sweet food.  Turns out healthy food is just as calorific and addictive as unhealthy and I don’t like this addiction anymore. I will never overcome this unless I attempt to remove this habit from my lifestyle.
So this evening I searched the web! Based on my research these are the tools I am going to employ to stop my habit. Getting over this habit is actually more important to me than weight loss during this process. I think that the last couple of kilo’s will be very easy to lose if I can change this habit.
One other reason that I want to do this and make sure it works, is that I don’t want to have to tell Nici again that I stuffed up. I felt terrible writing it to her. When I was eating I didn’t process that there were consequences. But it felt awful disappointing myself and Nici. So time to take charge!
Steps following an after meal craving:
-          Brush teeth
-          Possibly a cup of tea, then brush teeth

-          No more sweet food at all!
Options following a general craving:
-          Cup of tea
-          Drink water
-          Get my free weights out, and HR monitor out, and start doing squats – then weigh up how much effort it would take in squats at home to work off the food I am thinking about eating
-          THAT IS ALL à Feel the craving and suck it up! Or ride that wave ;)
Steps to support my lifestyle change:
-          Remove sugars (the last of my sugars to remove that is still impacting my dietary habits is the honey – so I will now have no honey, saltanas, dates, dried fruit in my house J) I will only have rapadura sugar (but I rarely eat this, so don’t perceive it as a problem, definitely don't eat sugar by the spoonful) - but have done this with honey on occasion, this is why it is gone!
-          Add protein to each meal
-          Drink more water
-          Use cinnamon as a sweet flavouring
-          Take my multivitamin and fish oil every day (I always forget)
-          Distract myself
-          More sleep – make myself start getting ready for bed by 11pm, I am often up until 1pm or later.
-          Detox – I am going to do a detox day on Monday J
-          Be aware of reasons for eating sugar: emotional eating; boredom eating, intense cravings, happiness
-          Look at my goals. Ask myself if I eat this will I be moving forward or backward?
-          Look at my vision board! J

So I am going to support this by discussing my feelings regarding my cravings on my blog as I am going through them, while I am riding the wave. I would also like to begin writing down the food that I plan on eating the next day, and see how close to it I get. This will help me to stay on track, snack less, remove sugar and drink more water. Tomorrow I plan on doing a bit of a detox, using Gillian McKeith’s book.  Yay!
It will be interesting to track my progress and see how long it takes for the cravings to subside! Hopefully quickly. But I am not delusional, it is always harder when the cravings also have emotional connections.
Overall last week was very good. I felt really in control for the first time in ages. And only one slip up. Maybe this slip up happened for a reason, forcing me to address my issues and habits
But I want to make sure that this is for good and that I can overcome this habit during this program.  I still plan on doing my cheat meal next Saturday, but I have to work hard for it this week to get there J
Thanks Nici again for your support! I won't be slipping up this week :) However, you may be pained by my annoying constant blogs about my cravings!


Nici said...


Oh, that sucks that your Sunday night didnt turn out as well as you planned!! but dont worry!! like you said, it wasnt nearly as bad as you usually would have done...and now its about re-addressing why you do this and trying to cope with it next time it happens. I know how you feel though!! Last night my boyfriend was late coming home for I got really hungry and had bread with ham, which put me over the calorie count for the day and made me feel crap. id just eaten it out of impulse....not because I needed it or because it was the best food choice I could have made!! So dont worry, youre not alone!!!
I think your strategies sound fantastic! And definitely blog as you have helps pass the time! Another thing is the timer...I find that 8/10 times that really helps with my cravings. It sucks to feel youve let yourself down, but we cant let that get the better of us. Like weve said...its about being consistent. One "bad" night wont ruin our efforts, its only if we let it take over and we give up for a few days or, worse, for good. But we're not doing that!!! We are in this together and we will make it through. Its a really hard mind-set change to transform in to these super food-concious people....but we will get there!! I have full faith in you. Sunday night is a blip on the radar, dont let it become anything more. Im a bored eater too, so I fully sympathsise!! hehe. We are very similar it seems! Lately, Ive tried putting a movie on and lying down on the couch under a doona or something that discourages me from I dont "wander" in to the kitchen and snack. haha. Its forced laziness that stops me from eating!
Im sure youre having a great Monday morning!! Lets make this a stella week, lets impress each other and ourselves!
Remember, Im here to support you and know exactly what its like! I snacked heaps when I was writing up my Honours...bored eating and 'thinking' eating. It is hard to change, but we'll both get there!

Cribnal said...

Wow you are such an amazing support! Thank you so so much! You are really keeping me accountable. And I really think that bordem eating will be a lot harder now that I have done it (I will now remember that I have to tell you about it before I do it). Eeeeak.... I don't want that to happen again. That felt really bad. We are in it together and I do not want to disappoing you, or myself anymore!!

Congratulations on doing such a fabulous job over the last week! You have been amazing! Your mindset is really changing and I am really proud of you!

Regarding weigh in, I didn't weigh myself last Friday. I didn't feel like I was at my previous weight and still felt that I had extra weight on, so I didn't want to weight in. This week will be my first weigh in in a while. I am just hoping that I am still at 51.8. Fingers crossed, that will give me the last 4 weeks to lose the last kgs.

Anyway, am back on track today. These last few kgs will be off by the final weigh in! Yay!

Do you plan on doing next round? I think that I will. I finish uni for the year after the first months, that would give me 2 months to go hard for lean and strong training :) Anyway, that I what I am thinking.

I hope today is going really well for you and that your pole dancing class is fun! ;)

Cribnal said...

P.S. I am going to print out your message above, to read before I hit that cupboard for food :)