Monday 25 July 2011

Week 10 - Monday

Things are going great for me. I have been doing a lot of reading into my sugar cravings. I found a fantastic book which I read over the weekend called "Sweet Poison" fabulous book if you have a sweet tooth and want to lose it.

Anyway, I am off fructose, other than in whole fruits. Whole fruits are fine because of the high fibre, water, nutrients and enzyme content. Have been off it completely today, was nearly completely off it yesterday too. Already feeling way more in control. Looking foward to the craving free journey :)

Meal Plan:
- Porridge with blueberries and banana
- Museli bar (fructose free)
- Watermelon
- Chicken salad
- Pear and strawberries
- Lamb, goats cheese, avacado salad
- Cup of tea, milk, brown rice syrup

- 45 mins step class, 15 mins cross trainer, 15 mins bike

1 comment:

Nici said...

Awesome!!! Sounds like a great book!! Itll be fantastic to be rid of the cravings...Im sure youll knock em dead in no time, already sounds like youve got so much control!!! Well done.
Thanks for your comments as well...I do feel like things are finally, slowly, changing and Im really getting a handle on what good eating means and why I want to do this.
Hope youre having a great day!!