Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Week 7 - Wednesday!

Super pumped today! New attitude, I am going to kill this program with Nici!! Yay!
I am very excited about this process! I would say that I am officially beginning this process again today (had the brownie for dessert last night, which I was aware that I would do). Feel a bit yuck this morning. But have already organised my workout and eating plan for the day!

Just about to leave for an hour and a half workout session outside, and have spin class tonight! Will check in with calories burned tonight! Excited about this process and excited about getting on the scales on Friday morning!

Lets rip this program up Nici!

Food and Calories:
- watermelon and strawberries
- cup of tea with stevia and milk
- porridge with blueberries and sultanas
- carrot sticks and hommus
- rice paper rolls - fruit chutney
- small amount of sultanas
- cup of tea with honey and milk
- Exact calories not sure but not over 1200 calories - yay!

- Out in the rain with friends this morning, only 550 calories - so much harder outside, much harder to push yourself than at the gym, esp when it is raining and freezing, but just did it :)
- Tonight - on my way to spin class - hope I burn lots of calories there :) Looking foward to seeing how many I burn on my HR monitor! :)
- Did 30 mins on cross trainer and a spin class
- Burned over 1150 calories today!!!!!!!! YAY!!!

I hope you are going well today Nici! Can't wait to hear all about it! Btw, I haven't had any sweet treats yet, only saltanas in my porridge! Yay! Hope tonight after tea goes well! :) My plan is rice paper rolls and a cup of tea. Then brush teeth and that is it! Day 1 on my fight against my sweet tooth is going well! :)

I did have a small amount of sultanas - no where near what I normally have. I am excited and I did a huge workout. Happy with my efforts today! :)

I plan on doing weights tomorrow and cardio. Being a small weight I find it a lot harder to burn calories. I realised this after getting a HR monitor. I have to work hard for my calories. 70 minutes of intense cardio training and I can pump out 650 calories. But weights and normal training, even running doesn't give me a lot of love in terms of calories burning. I did a pump class last week and worked out really hard, and in 60 minutes only burned 150 calories. That was a bit devastating.  Tomorrow I am going to try an overall body weights session, with lots of supersets and see how I go. However, I will most certainly be doing cardio first. Hope it goes well :)


Nici said...


Lets kill this!! To be amazing, we have to train amazing and eat amazing...every day!!! We're both starting again, and teaching ourselves to be consistent. I know we can do this!!! So excited about your new attitude and hearing about the next few days...and sharing mine with you.

Again, Im finding I cant post replies to your comments on my blog, so I just wanted to say:

Like you said, I think we have to remember that this is not a punishment, we are choosing to do this because we want different results to what we've had before!!

Love it....love putting ourselves first, and not our cravings. What right do they have to take prioity over us?? Thanks so much for all of your support!!!

Super excited!!!

Cant wait to hear about your day! Ill check in tonight.

Cribnal said...

Yay we are going to be amazing! I must write all these motivational sayings down! Just to keep me in check when I am feeling vulnerable or bored!

Looving the support too! Thank god we have each other! We are the type of people that need this constant interaction to keep us in check, at least at the start!

Can't wait to hear about your day!!! :)

Nici said...

Well done!!! Your day sounds amazing!!! So much exercise...you go!!

I know what you mean with the calories...a HRM is so motivational, but sometimes makes you so dissappointed too!! When I did bodypump classes I would only burn about 200cal as well....but doing free weights in the gym and supersests and stuff, I burn WAY more....like I said, usually 600cal or there-abouts. See how you go. Lift hard and heavy, thats my advice.

Also, HUGE congratulations on avoiding the sweet things after dinner!!! I used to always crave something sweet after savory...but thats one thing that Ive managed to change. Now, most times, after dinner thats it for me...I dont eat anything more. It also means you go to bed feeling nice and light and happy about your decisions! WELL DONE!!! Massive pat on the back!!!!

I didnt get to do as much exercise as I had first said...but still burnt about 900cal more than I ate...so on average still down by about 1000cal a day, which should mean a kilo loss in a week!! woop!!!

Again, massive congratulations!! This is what being healthy and fit is all about...making the sometimes hard choices, but with massive massive gains!

Another motto for you - "todays food is tomorrows body"
I write them all down too...I have a 'motivational' board where I stick up my before photos, pictures of peoples bodies I admire and all these sayings, as well as my weekly meal plans and my goals. hehe. I have lots of fun collecting things to put on there...and some of the saying really help me avoid eating when Im bored or dont need the calories.

Night!! cant wait to hear about your day tomorrow!!